Hearing test
The best way to determine for sure if you have hearing loss is to test and measure it.
You can start by using our free online hearing test. This short, simple screening tool is easy to use, and you can do it from home on your computer or smart tablet.
You can also try our hearing loss simulator. This interactive tool demonstrates what hearing loss sounds like — from mild hearing loss to severe, and in a variety of situations and environments.
The most accurate hearing tests are done in office
To get an accurate hearing measurement, however, a visit to our office is recommended. Here we have the proper equipment, calibrated testing tools and sound-proof facility needed to measure your hearing with precision.
Tests we recommend:
Pressure test to check the flexibility of your eardrum (and its ability to transmit sound).
Tone test to measure how softly you can hear tones of different pitches (which will be charted on an audiogram).
Speech test where you are asked to repeat words and/or sentences you hear at different volumes.
We’ll display the results of your test in an audiogram, which accurately charts the type, degree and configuration of your hearing loss.
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Wax Removal
Earwax — officially called cerumen — is key to a healthy ear. It collects dirt, debris and bacteria, preventing unwanted foreign bodies from entering the ear. It also has lubrication properties to keep the ears from getting dry and itchy. Finally, it acts as an antifungal and antibacterial, helping to fight infections in and around our ears.
But while earwax typically works its way out of the ear naturally as you shower or bathe, sometimes it doesn’t, and can cause blockage, hearing impairment and more.
Come to us to get excess earwax removed the right way
Let us start by saying you should never clean the inside of your ear canal with cotton swabs. Not only can this damage your ear drum, it typically just impacts any earwax, making the problem worse. Other home or over-the-counter remedies don’t always work, either.
At Anew Hearing Care, we have the tools and expertise needed to safely and properly remove excess earwax, whether it’s causing hearing loss or not.
Hearing aid fitting
Because every ear is unique — just like a fingerprint — it’s important that every hearing aid be fitted with care and precision. But it’s not just the physical fit that needs to be customized.
Key to a good hearing aid fitting is tailoring the many audio components to the type, degree and configuration of your specific hearing loss. We do this in-person with advanced fitting software that we’re able to fine tune to your liking while you’re wearing your new hearing aids. Because not only is every ear unique — what sounds good to each person is unique, too.
Using our fitting software, we’re able to:
Fine tune frequencies
Ensure comfortability of sound levels
Customize settings
And more

While we always strive to avoid repairs, hearing aids — like most sophisticated technology — sometimes require them.
At Anew Hearing Care, we make the hearing aid repair process as fast, hassle-free and affordable as possible, and provide hearing aid repairs for the following major brands: Starkey, Phonak, GN Resound, Siemens, Signia, Unitron, Oticon, and many more.
We can make many repairs in-house, saving time and money
We repair any brand or age of hearing aid
We know your hearing aid is an important part of your life, so always get it back to you as soon as possible
Our hearing aid repair process:
We will assess the hearing aid and let you know what needs to be done to repair it
If we can repair it here, we will (either while you wait or as quickly as possible)
If the repair requires sending it back to the manufacturer, we can do all the paperwork, shipping and handling for you
Once the hearing aid is repaired, we’ll notify you and arrange to get it back to you
How much do hearing aid repairs cost?
Hearing aid repair costs vary depending on several factors:
Whether or not the hearing aid is still under warranty
The extent of damage to the hearing aid
The cost of replacement parts for your hearing aid
We are the first and best place to get hearing aids repaired or serviced! We make it a priority to put you first and help you hear as best as you can.