Untreated Hearing Loss
The link between hearing loss and dementia
We all want to maintain our mental sharpness as we get older. Dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline are conditions every single one of us hopes to avoid.
A growing body of research has shown that hearing loss plays a big role in our ability to stay mentally sharp as we age. In fact, a 2018 review of the research concluded that untreated hearing loss increased the risk of dementia by 50 percent1.
While researchers admit the science is still inconclusive on exactly why untreated hearing loss increases dementia risk, they do offer three probable reasons.
1. Hearing loss leads to social isolation
Untreated hearing loss has long been linked to increased social isolation and loneliness2, which studies have shown increases the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Think about it — if you struggle to hear, you’ll be more likely to withdraw from social activities or situations where hearing plays a big role.
2. Hearing loss shifts your cognitive load
As hearing becomes more difficult, your brain has to work harder to register and comprehend what you’re listening to. This steals energy needed for memory and thinking. Scientists refer to this as the “cognitive load theory.”
Imagine your brain as having a finite amount of fuel. As hearing loss increases, you use more “fuel” to listen to and make sense of what you’re hearing, meaning you have less fuel for tasks like memory and decision-making.
3. Hearing loss accelerates brain shrinkage
Finally, hearing loss is shown to accelerate brain atrophy or shrinkage.
Yes, believe it or not, our brains shrink as we age. But researchers at John’s Hopkins found that people with impaired hearing lost more brain tissue per year than peers with normal hearing3 — likely due to atrophy from lack of stimulation.
So, can treating hearing loss help keep us mentally sharp?
There is no current proof that hearing loss treatment can prevent cognitive decline, but two studies strongly suggest it may help.
One studied people over a 25-year period and found that those with self-reported hearing loss who did not wear hearing aids showed evidence of accelerated cognitive decline, while those with hearing loss who did wear hearing aids had no more cognitive decline than their normal-hearing peers4.
A recent study was even more interesting5. The study concluded that managing or treating hearing loss in mid-life is one of 12 things you can do to help prevent dementia. And — more importantly — hearing loss was the number one risk factor they recommended you could modify to “reduce the incidence of dementia or substantially delay its onset.”
In fact, researchers suggest that hearing loss treatment could prevent up to 9 percent of the 47 million dementia cases in the world6.
Wearing hearing aids is the most effective treatment for hearing loss
This link between hearing loss and cognitive decline should give everyone even more incentive to treat hearing loss and not ignore common hear loss signs.
1 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/fullarticle/2714050
2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32151193/
3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2596698/
4 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26480972/
5 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30367-6/fulltext
How will I know what my hearing loss is?
Hearing loss is unique and complex and may pose different challenges for each individual. Hearing loss comes in a variety of types including sensorineural, conductive, and mixed hearing loss; each type of hearing loss can have different symptoms and may require different treatment methods. The lack of a physical ear examination may lead to other unnoticed potential issues that can show similar hearing loss symptoms such as ear drum damage or simple wax buildup.
There are several online hearing tests available, and you can try the one we offer! However, they are not diagnostic medical tests. The only way to determine hearing loss or if you may need hearing aid solutions, is to schedule a hearing exam with a licensed hearing professional. Both an audiogram and a physical examination are required to determine hearing loss.
Clinically, hearing loss falls into different degrees. Mild, moderate, severe, and profound are some of the most common degrees with variations in between. Your hearing loss degree depends on your ability to hear different pitches (frequencies) at different volumes (decibels, dB).
No matter what your hearing loss, our hearing professional can help ensure all your hearing healthcare needs are addressed over time as your hearing demands change. The first step would be to call or schedule an appointment for a hearing screening.
Hearing plays a major role in our emotional well-being and overall quality of life — with a growing body of research linking hearing loss to dementia and cognitive decline, it is important that you receive the treatment that is right for you. When we hear our best, it’s easy to stay engaged, alert and active.
Hearing Loss is as Unique as You Are
While OTC hearing aids may be a starting point for some, there are many considerations when choosing the correct treatment for your hearing loss. During your complimentary consultation, we will help you determine what type of hearing aid is right for you and discuss all of your options.
Get the individual treatment you need – book an appointment with our hearing healthcare professionals today.
Common Types of Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SHL): The most common type of hearing loss, SHL is typically the result of damage to the delicate hair cells in the inner-ear organ (the cochlea) that are responsible for picking up sounds. When these hair cells — or the nerves they connect to — are damaged or destroyed by repeated exposure to loud noise, hearing becomes more difficult. Because hearing damage usually affects the highest frequencies first, loud-noise exposure can result in permanent high-frequency hearing loss.
Conductive Hearing Loss: This is a type of hearing loss that is typically the result of an infection or blockage in the outer or middle ear. Otitis media (middle-ear infections) can sometimes cause difficulty hearing due to a fluid buildup. Swimmer’s ear or a buildup of earwax may create a blockage outside the eardrum. This type of hearing loss is typically reversible once the infection or blockage clears, or once necessary surgery is performed.
Mixed Hearing Loss: Individuals with mixed hearing loss typically suffer from some combination of SHL and a semipermanent conductive hearing loss, such as a malfunction of one of the ossicles (tiny bones that conduct sound) in the middle ear. Hearing may improve after the conductive portion of the hearing loss is resolved through treatment or surgery. SHL is usually permanent.
Unilateral Hearing Loss: Hearing loss that occurs in only one ear is referred to as unilateral hearing loss. This can be present at birth, may happen spontaneously, or can occur over the course of several days (referred to as sudden hearing loss). Unilateral hearing loss may delay or otherwise affect speech and language development, and children may have difficulty identifying where sounds are coming from (localization), hearing speech in noisy situations, and hearing from longer distances. Children who are born with unilateral hearing loss can achieve success academically, economically, and socially by focusing on communication development.
Sudden Hearing Loss: A sudden loss in hearing, either entirely or partially, within a 24-hour period — or immediately. Degrees of deafness vary, and while sudden hearing loss typically resolves itself within two weeks, it’s possible that hearing may never return. Treatment may include steroids to support the recovery of hearing, but patients who see no change within two weeks are unlikely to see improvement. Those who suffer from a sudden hearing loss should consult their physician immediately, as faster treatment greatly increases chances of a full recovery. About 85 percent of those who seek treatment will recover some of their hearing.
High-Frequency Hearing Loss: Those with high-frequency hearing loss can usually hear vowels just fine, but consonant sounds — like f, s, t, and z — become difficult to hear. High-frequency hearing loss is often difficult to diagnose, because it occurs slowly over several decades, like most forms of sensorineural hearing loss. Early signs are an inability to hear higher-octave sounds, like a bird chirping or the voice of a woman or small child. Difficulty conversing in groups or hearing speech in background noise also indicate the possibility of a high-frequency hearing loss. Using hearing protection prior to being exposed to loud noises will help prevent high-frequency hearing loss, while hearing aids are an effective treatment.